Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 1

By G.R. Nanda These days, I find that one of the best ways to spend my time is reading. As a writer, it’s important to verse myself in prose and storytelling in order to become better at my craft. As a lover of storytelling, it’s just plain old fun to immerse myself in the worldContinue reading “Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 1”

What to Expect

By G.R. Nanda This blog is a creative outlet. Readers can expect mostly fiction on this website, along with commentaries on fiction of different mediums as well as other subjects pertaining to politics, society and culture. As I’m a part of the sci-fi/fantasy reading audience, that’s the audience I’m writing for. Expect a lot ofContinue reading “What to Expect”