
Welcome to G.R. Nanda’s blog. Expect chapters in the ongoing early drafts of a science-fiction novel and more.

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2200 Blues Chapter 49: Part One

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 48

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part Two

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

Publication Dates

June 2024

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