2200 Blues Chapter 49: Part One

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 48

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part One

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 46: A Hootful Harvest

Dawn’s light peeks through the jungle, awakening a chorus of hoots to signal the start of a harvest. In this latest installment, we join Father Hawk as he emerges from slumber into a jungle buzzing with activity and ancient tradition.

MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 39 (Early Draft)

Father Hawk nearly jumped when he noticed the twelfth shadowsnake. It was a speedy creature that tore through the water, practically galloping. It drove itself down and below the lake, arching its back before diving in. Then, it would almost immediately thrust itself back up the water, moving through the air in an arc, beforeContinue reading “MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 39 (Early Draft)”