To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY

Christopher Paolini, left To Sleep in A Sea of Stars, right Christopher Paolini has an incredible life story. He’s both talented and incredibly lucky. All successful authors are lucky, but Paolini is luckier than what is normally considered lucky for any author. That is because he wrote a novel as a teenager and then publishedContinue reading “To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY”

Memorable 2020 Summer Reads

By G.R. Nanda Read! Read as much as you can. Especially now, during the coronavirus pandemic. Reaching out into the human imaginations of past and present time periods where the age old mythological arcs like the Hero’s Journey have been explored in different contexts is a great way to pass the time. Many fantasy novelsContinue reading “Memorable 2020 Summer Reads”