RECAP: Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) is a refreshing action movie in the era of the Disney blockbuster empire. It pulls from the cult classic original Blade Runner (1982) to revitalize the art in action movies. 2049’s director Denis Villeneuve is among today’s best filmmakers and science fiction storytellers. His follow up to Ridley Scott’s original livesContinue reading “RECAP: Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk”

The Dune Trailer – The Spice is Strong with this One (warning: extreme fanboying follows)

By G.R. Nanda So, the Dune (2020) trailer dropped and I am writing this post the day after to gush over it. This blog post will be different from my usual posts as in it is is not a chapter in my novel or a long form essay or article of my lengthy thoughts. IContinue reading “The Dune Trailer – The Spice is Strong with this One (warning: extreme fanboying follows)”