2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part Two

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part One

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 46: A Hootful Harvest

Dawn’s light peeks through the jungle, awakening a chorus of hoots to signal the start of a harvest. In this latest installment, we join Father Hawk as he emerges from slumber into a jungle buzzing with activity and ancient tradition.

2200 Blues Interlude (Early Draft)

Sand irritated his feathers, having burrowed under his layers of red plumage. He twitched, jerking his feathers back and forth. Sand drizzled out from in between his twisted feathers where there were caked banks of sand underneath. They fell like rain from dense unrelenting thunderclouds.  He blinked and shuffled his butt across the ground, rakingContinue reading “2200 Blues Interlude (Early Draft)”

2200 Blues Chapter 45 (Early Draft)

The Eagles flew over the lands, but slowly descended closer to the treetops. Once distant shrubs, they were now bustling, swaying bodies of leafed wooden limbs.  From below the leafed green masses were bodies of grey and red poking through the green and rustling the undergrowth, tumbling through it.  They scant seemed distant from theContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 45 (Early Draft)”

2200 Blues Chapter 44 (Early Draft)

For the majority of the flight, Father Hawk was in a half-awake daze. A helpless stupor of immobility and half open eyes that always threatened to close. But as his eye-lids closed, he’d always be jolted awake by the strain and motion of dangling in flight.  The grey light with flickers of red fire shoneContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 44 (Early Draft)”

2200 Blues Chapter 43 (Early Draft)

Upon leaving the roars and hissings of the water, Father Hawk was assailed by the raucous howlings of wolves. They growled, grated, barked and haunted the world with their eerie, high pitched cackling howlings. It was a sea of unrelenting, booming cries for death, ringing in booming blood curling tones.  Father Hawk was still engulfedContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 43 (Early Draft)”

2200 Blues Chapter 42 (Early Draft)

Tears seeped from Father Hawk’s stinging eyes, befuddling his vision  as they splayed out, merging into the volumes of the Shadowlake. The sight of Mother Hawk’s burning grew blurrier and distant.  It was then at the welling of further anguished tears, trembling at the brink of the wavering scene of Mother Hawk that Father HawkContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 42 (Early Draft)”

MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 41 (Early Draft)

The planet’s hemisphere darkened, roiling with gaseous elements. The light of the sun washed over, illuminating shards— debris floating haphazardly around the ball. They looked like broken asteroids swimming in the cosmic space.  One shard rolled around in the light and its jagged patterns of light-colored stripes against the dark background were highlighted by theContinue reading “MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 41 (Early Draft)”

MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 40 (Early Draft)

The voice of Mother Hawk emanated from the deep below. It came in a ghostly pained and shrill moaning that wavered and rose up in high-pitched waves of anguish over and over again.  It was all that Father Hawk could register in the darkness. He could see nothing.  Then it hit him. The weight ofContinue reading “MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 40 (Early Draft)”