UPDATE: A New Chapter is In

I have to apologize for the lack of communication about the missed publication date. I got sick for all of last week (not COVID). I am recovered and have written a chapter that is about to published tonight. The bi-weekly publishing schedule will resume with a publication next Wednesday on July 8th. My break isContinue reading “UPDATE: A New Chapter is In”

UPDATE: A Publishing Error Addressed

On March 8th, a typed version of chapter 27 was available for online publishing, but when it came to the actual blog post, I accidently copied and pasted the contents of chapter 36 which has already been published in my blog post titled 2200 Blues Chapter 36 (Early Draft). This resulted in the contents ofContinue reading “UPDATE: A Publishing Error Addressed”

Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!

I got COVID! I know right? It’s crazy when it happens. Especially when it happens to you. Luckily, I was in the 97% of symptoms as opposed to the 3%. I just had cold symptoms and was out of it for several days in the past two weeks, but I recovered in the middle ofContinue reading “Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!”

UPDATE: Publishing Schedule

I will be publishing new content on a biweekly schedule on Mondays starting on July 27th, 2020. I am consistently producing chapters for the early works, bare ideas science fiction novel 2200 Blues which is going fantastically. While the work is hard, the experience of writing this book is exhilarating and very fulfilling. Nickel’s journeyContinue reading “UPDATE: Publishing Schedule”

What is 2200 Blues?

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions. 2200 Blues is a science fiction novel in the works. I’m sharing my progress onContinue reading “What is 2200 Blues?”

What to Expect

By G.R. Nanda This blog is a creative outlet. Readers can expect mostly fiction on this website, along with commentaries on fiction of different mediums as well as other subjects pertaining to politics, society and culture. As I’m a part of the sci-fi/fantasy reading audience, that’s the audience I’m writing for. Expect a lot ofContinue reading “What to Expect”