RECAP: Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) is a refreshing action movie in the era of the Disney blockbuster empire. It pulls from the cult classic original Blade Runner (1982) to revitalize the art in action movies. 2049’s director Denis Villeneuve is among today’s best filmmakers and science fiction storytellers. His follow up to Ridley Scott’s original livesContinue reading “RECAP: Blade Runner 2049 and Cyberpunk”

Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!

I got COVID! I know right? It’s crazy when it happens. Especially when it happens to you. Luckily, I was in the 97% of symptoms as opposed to the 3%. I just had cold symptoms and was out of it for several days in the past two weeks, but I recovered in the middle ofContinue reading “Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!”

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY

Christopher Paolini, left To Sleep in A Sea of Stars, right Christopher Paolini has an incredible life story. He’s both talented and incredibly lucky. All successful authors are lucky, but Paolini is luckier than what is normally considered lucky for any author. That is because he wrote a novel as a teenager and then publishedContinue reading “To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY”

Hans Zimmer and parental woes

By G.R. Nanda It’s interesting that Hans Zimmer has worked on soundtracks for stories about male protagonists/heroes who were born into families of privilege and power, but after a tragic death of the protagonist’s parental figure(s) and a subsequent destabilization of the hero and his family’s position in the setting they once had a reignContinue reading “Hans Zimmer and parental woes”

Memorable 2020 Summer Reads

By G.R. Nanda Read! Read as much as you can. Especially now, during the coronavirus pandemic. Reaching out into the human imaginations of past and present time periods where the age old mythological arcs like the Hero’s Journey have been explored in different contexts is a great way to pass the time. Many fantasy novelsContinue reading “Memorable 2020 Summer Reads”

The Dune Trailer – The Spice is Strong with this One (warning: extreme fanboying follows)

By G.R. Nanda So, the Dune (2020) trailer dropped and I am writing this post the day after to gush over it. This blog post will be different from my usual posts as in it is is not a chapter in my novel or a long form essay or article of my lengthy thoughts. IContinue reading “The Dune Trailer – The Spice is Strong with this One (warning: extreme fanboying follows)”

Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 2

By G.R. Nanda The Foundation trilogy and Dune by Frank Herbert are both classic seminal works of science fiction literature with space operatic qualities that projected human civilization to the stars at the galactic scale. Both showcase galactic empires created by human beings who stamped civilization onto countless planets and stars. Both can be seenContinue reading “Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 2”

Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 1

By G.R. Nanda These days, I find that one of the best ways to spend my time is reading. As a writer, it’s important to verse myself in prose and storytelling in order to become better at my craft. As a lover of storytelling, it’s just plain old fun to immerse myself in the worldContinue reading “Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy in Speculative Fiction Part 1”

Harry Potter and Star Wars: Parallel Heroics

By G.R. Nanda The Harry Potter franchise has had much of the same cultural effect as did the original Star Wars trilogy. Both have introduced stories to two different generations of kids, embedding themselves in the respective generations’ psyches and imaginations. Both made a fuck ton of money. Both pulled from the traditions of fantasyContinue reading “Harry Potter and Star Wars: Parallel Heroics”