MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 37 (Early Draft)

This is the corrected version of Chapter 37. The previous version actually contained the contents of Chapter 36. The Eagle below Father Hawk caught him and moved in a uniform march down the circular platform to the right. Injured and weak, Father Hawk was unable to resist.  He only saw the crowds of tree branchesContinue reading “MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 37 (Early Draft)”

UPDATE: A Publishing Error Addressed

On March 8th, a typed version of chapter 27 was available for online publishing, but when it came to the actual blog post, I accidently copied and pasted the contents of chapter 36 which has already been published in my blog post titled 2200 Blues Chapter 36 (Early Draft). This resulted in the contents ofContinue reading “UPDATE: A Publishing Error Addressed”

MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 36 (Early Draft)

For hours and hours he walked and hour by hour the light of the outside vanquished. A cool humidity settled over Father Hawk in the woodlands the farther on he walked.  The farther on from the water he walked, the lesser the power of the gusts became. It was a long walk that soon turnedContinue reading “MONDAY CONTENT: 2200 Blues Chapter 36 (Early Draft)”

2200 Blues Chapter 35 (Early Draft)

It was the first real fight of his life and Father Hawk wasn’t ready for it. He flailed around, kicking with his claws and stabbing with his wings, both of which had strengthened in his rebirth. However, his newfound strength was no match for his inexperience.  And his inexperience was barely a match for theContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 35 (Early Draft)”

Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!

I got COVID! I know right? It’s crazy when it happens. Especially when it happens to you. Luckily, I was in the 97% of symptoms as opposed to the 3%. I just had cold symptoms and was out of it for several days in the past two weeks, but I recovered in the middle ofContinue reading “Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!”

2200 Blues Chapter 34 (Early Draft)

“State your business with me!” exclaimed Father Hawk, breaking the nightly calm.  The wolf at the center of the advancing line squinted his yellow eyes and turned to look at the wolves on the left and the right, who slightly tilted and nodded their heads. The center wolf turned his head back to look atContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 34 (Early Draft)”

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY

Christopher Paolini, left To Sleep in A Sea of Stars, right Christopher Paolini has an incredible life story. He’s both talented and incredibly lucky. All successful authors are lucky, but Paolini is luckier than what is normally considered lucky for any author. That is because he wrote a novel as a teenager and then publishedContinue reading “To Sleep in a Sea of Stars – REVIEW/COMMENTARY”

2200 Blues Chapter 33 (Early Draft)

“You’ve worked hard,” said the huntsman. Father Hawk could see his large blue body looming high in the black expanse and hear him as well. However, Father Hawk couldn’t see himself and he certainly couldn’t hear any sound he would normally create whether that be his feathers shifting against each other or his own breathing. Continue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 33 (Early Draft)”

Hans Zimmer and parental woes

By G.R. Nanda It’s interesting that Hans Zimmer has worked on soundtracks for stories about male protagonists/heroes who were born into families of privilege and power, but after a tragic death of the protagonist’s parental figure(s) and a subsequent destabilization of the hero and his family’s position in the setting they once had a reignContinue reading “Hans Zimmer and parental woes”

2200 Blues Chapter 32 (Early Draft)

By G.R. Nanda Father Hawk gathered himself again and eventually walked off the stinging pain. His right leg had been sprained near the claw in his fall. He didn’t know how he was going to do what he had to do.  He had flown high up above and had seen that the ravines and riversContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 32 (Early Draft)”