2200 Blues Chapter 49: Part Two

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 49: Part One

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 48

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part Two

In a future earth plagued by technological escapism and excess, a young man named Nickel is torn from a false digital Eden and thrust into a post-nuclear wasteland. Surviving becomes a journey into unexpected cultures, strange magic and dangerous visions.

2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part One

Note to readers: “2200 Blues” is a novel in progress, and each chapter is an early draft in its unfolding journey. Your thoughts and reactions are invaluable, guiding its evolution and refinement “And thus the creation of the universe came to a standstill,” the old man croaked. The windstorm came to a still, quieting justContinue reading “2200 Blues Chapter 47: Part One”

2200 Blues Chapter 46: A Hootful Harvest

Dawn’s light peeks through the jungle, awakening a chorus of hoots to signal the start of a harvest. In this latest installment, we join Father Hawk as he emerges from slumber into a jungle buzzing with activity and ancient tradition.


Siona was flinging her arms around herself in a slowly controlled manner. Her fingers and hips grazed the air and the fellow dancers around her, in a titillating manner.  The changing lights above her were like the spasmodic and ever changing canvas of a sky and its weather sped up to an eternity whizzing pastContinue reading “FANTASY NOVELLA EPISODE #3”


This story was written in the summer of 2022, long before similar events have tragically transpired in recent news. “You’re saying they left for religious reasons?” The question and his voice was drowned out by the cacophony of a siesta that had bled into night.  In the courtyard of the building perched atop the loneContinue reading “FANTASY NOVELLA EPISODE #2”


The stone steps were adorned with flaking paint, splotched in ornate patterns of flowers and curving shapes, all brightly colored with fading edges. From within the dark recesses of the cove, came the warbled, but melodic cacophony of music, sometimes shrill and sometimes softly lulling. Didn’t appear to be a place of skulking humans devoidContinue reading “FANTASY NOVELLA EPISODE #1”

Fantasy world story segment #1

The rising sun cast a leprous yellow light atop the smoldering battlefield. The enemy, a dark and bloodied mass of bodies, was streaked in crimson stains that glistened through soaking gray robes. Faint waters lapped at the border of the plain from an ocean too distant to wash death away.             The Emorian victory hadContinue reading “Fantasy world story segment #1”