Update: Out sick. Still been writing, but no chapter today…………..Also, holy crap! Dune Messiah is awesome!

I got COVID!

I know right? It’s crazy when it happens. Especially when it happens to you. Luckily, I was in the 97% of symptoms as opposed to the 3%. I just had cold symptoms and was out of it for several days in the past two weeks, but I recovered in the middle of last week and now I’m all set. It’s weird since I live a pretty safe life and have been since the pandemic started. I only go in to school once a week and now that it’s winter, I’ve hardly left the house.

I have been writing the next chapter, but obviously I was slowed down significantly by sickness. There’s no chapter or article today, but fear not! Father Hawk’s journey is still going on inside of my notebook.

I think I will write a post about my experiences after testing positive for the coronavirus. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone, even if you are safe.

Everyone, be safe out there! Wear you face masks and practice social distancing! It can save time and save lives!

I’ve been reading Dune Messiah as of late and it is awesome! It expands on the themes from Dune about the consolidation of power, radicalization and the ability of power to attract the easily corruptible. The writing style and tone remains, however the narrative is drastically different from Dune’s. This is a good thing since this second book’s story takes place in a new period of the Dune universe. Everything is still reeling from Paul’s rise to power and his subsequent Jihad. There’s a TON of new stuff here. It’s not a rehashing of the same stuff. There’s more mystic and spiritual stuff added in that’s a pleasure to read about.

I also finished The Great Hunt, book two of The Wheel of Time while I was out sick. Robert Jordan does not disappoint. This one is bigger and more complex than The Eye of The World. The Dune influences also become a lot more apparent in this second book.

Anyone looking for cool Dune commentary and lore deep dives should check out the YouTube channel Quinn’s Ideas. The guy is an expert on all things Dune.

The link to his channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rFmaGLYr0Ve_Y_soxZNWQ

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