UPDATE: Publishing Schedule

I will be publishing new content on a biweekly schedule on Mondays starting on July 27th, 2020.

I am consistently producing chapters for the early works, bare ideas science fiction novel 2200 Blues which is going fantastically. While the work is hard, the experience of writing this book is exhilarating and very fulfilling. Nickel’s journey will not just span this single book. As I’ve continued to write, the story and the world has just expanded itself to me. I’ve come to realize that the overall arc of the story cannot stay within one book or volume. This story will probably take up more than one book.

I’m a discovery writer, gardener or whatever term one uses to describe a writer who starts off with seeds of ideas and then only really develops them on the fly, as they are writing the prose itself. I almost never start off with outlines. 2200 Blues as it is, is nothing like what I had originally conceived when I came up with the character of Nickel and wrote the first chapter. In all honesty, I am discovering as much about the world as Nickel is in the plot. While I have imbued my own personality and experiences into Nickel, we are also both in this ride in the Desolate Plains of the Atlantic together. I have loose plans for where the character is supposed to go, but I won’t really know where he goes and what happens to him until I write to that point in the chronology. I have an idea for an ending which will not be revealed.

I have had nonfiction articles sitting on the back-burner, which I would really like to publish and I think this schedule will give me a framework for doing so. I love to ramble about books and movies. As I’ve said in my “What to Expect” page (https://grnanda.wordpress.com/2020/04/04/what-to-expect/), I enjoy learning about nonfiction subjects such as politics and have ideas for pieces on the world’s state of affairs and previous affairs. Readers can expect book reviews. I mostly read fiction, but I do also read non-fiction. Recently, I finished Spaiens: A Brief History of Humankind by the brilliant historian, Yuval Noah Harari. It blew my mind and I have a lot of thoughts on it. If I don’t write an independent review for it, I will include a summary of my thoughts in a “Summer Reads” piece that I plan to publish at the end of the summer.

As to potential controversy around political content, I guess we’ll have to wait and see the reaction! Regardless, it will be fun and will teach me a lot.

I am a high school student and schoolwork is obviously a bigger priority at this stage in my life than my blog. The summer vacation has given me a lot of time to not only chill, but read and write more than I am usually able to during the school year. When the fall rolls around, I think a biweekly schedule will do me good. If I can’t get a chapter cleaned enough for the publishing Mondays that roll around, I will always have a diatribe, ramble or formal article for that day. I love messing around with words and geeking out over fiction and the world in general. By starting this blog I am after all, opening up my thoughts and imagination to the public. So I might as well throw some shit out there are see what sticks!

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